Some time ago, it was reported, a top Bollywood production banner had offered Vijay Deverakonda around Rs 48 crore for a pan-India movie and this created a great deal of buzz among cinemagoers. Now, it seems the rumor is incorrect. According to Cinejosh, 'Rowdy' charges around
Rs 8 crore for a Telugu movie, which many feels is justified, given his popularity. As the actor has no market 'Up North', he is likely to get merely Rs 3 crore more than his usual remuneration, if he does a
straight Hindi film. Either way, his total 'package' will not exceed Rs
15 crore under normal circumstances.
With his remuneration in the spotlight, Tollywood's favorite 'Comrade' is gearing up for the release of the eagerly awaited World Famous Lover. The film, touted to be a romantic-drama, features the 30-year-old in
an intense new avatar, which has grabbed plenty of attention. Vijay Deverakonda is paired opposite four gorgeous ladies (Aishwarya Rajesh, Raashi Khanna, Catherine Tresa, and Izabelle Leite) in the biggie and this has piqued the curiosity big time.
World Famous Lover is slated to arrive in theatres on February 14, 2020.
Vijay Deverakonda is also working on a film with ace filmmaker Puri Jagannadh, being referred to as Fighter. The movie, touted to be an action-packed entertainer, is likely to feature plenty of mass elements and this might work in its favor.
The grapevine suggests Sridevi's daughter and Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor will be seen opposite the Geetha Govindam hero in Fighter. It has also been reported that Ramya Krishnan will be playing VD's mother in the flick.
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