Hyderabad: A small time Tollywood director was charged with an offence for allegedly sexually harassing an actress here, police said today. Director Phani, came in touch with the actress few years ago and had been allegedly sexually harassing her on the pretext of love proposals and seeking sexual favours, which she rejected, Jubilee Hills sub-inspector Guru Swamy told PTI. "Today at around 3 AM, Phani went to her residence in Rahmath Nagar and called her. When she came out, he suddenly held her and while she tried to resist, he hit her head. She even raised an alarm," the officer said. On seeing some locals around, Phani, whose only first name was given by police, fled from the spot, he said. A case under relevant sections of IPC was registered and efforts were on to nab the director, the SI said, adding, further probe was on.